Verified landlord

Room Amsterdam

Lodewijk van Deysselstraat

Available immediately

€ 495 p/m


1 room


House King is looking for a new roommate

Huize Koning is looking for a new king or queen! A room is becoming available in our beautiful palace on Lodewijk van Deysselstraat where we live like royalty. We are looking for someone who likes to participate in a semi-active house, meaning hardly any obligations, but we do like it if you are open to sociability. Most of us are studying and therefore we are actually looking for someone who studies as well. The room is not very big (about 13 m2), but the price is relatively good (495 euros inclusive). In addition, you get 6 top roommates in return!

From left to right:

Jort (the guy with the gold chain on the left), lives like a real king, loves the gym and thinks that with his 21 years he has already fully discovered the world. The VU, however, thinks otherwise, as they do not give him any positive grades for the 'works of art' (exams) he studied during his History course.

Kurt (the man with the fast planga on the left), lives like a true king and is moving. Hence we are looking for a replacement for our house elder.

Lars (the man with lager on the left), lives like a true king and is only three months lit of our royal company. Lars had an upbringing in the Gooi region, so he didn't have to take long to get settled in. Long does he take to adten a beer, by the way (and most likely his law degree as well).

Elise (the woman without geekiness, on the right next to Lars and behind Fleur), lives like a humble queen and thus ensures peace in our otherwise often busy little palace. Elise makes sure that our little palace is still somewhat livable and is also the permanent contact person for the neighbors (although she herself does not find this a very pleasant task).

Fleur (the woman with wine, front right), lives like an over the top queen and her big dream is to one day be allowed to storm into the beehive with a number of lackeys, who will then empty half the store for her. This dream will remain a dream for the time being, especially when daddy's credit card company sends her a hefty bill and Fleur gets a shopping ban. Not from the Bijenkorf, but from daddy at home!

Noelle (the woman with bare belly on the right), lives like a queen and gets to take over the house parentship from Kurt. With her 23 years, righteous look and long black hair the copy of Lady Justice. Something she also hopes to achieve later, and unlike Lars, she is already fairly well on her way and is about to complete her master's degree.

Claire (the woman on the far right), lives like a queen with a smile, because that is actually what best describes this woman from Brabant. With her studies, Global Arts, Culture and Politics, her always good mood and her top ideas for our days out, she makes our little palace a little better every day.

If you see yourself completing our beautiful palace (don't take it too literally, unfortunately we don't really live in a palace), then we have a regal questionnaire for you and we are curious to know who you are! Just send a (short) email to [xxxxxxxxxx](mailto:xxxxxxxxxx) and we will send you the questionnaire! We look forward to receiving your response and who knows, maybe we'll see you at the hospi evening on July 5!

Properties room


€ 495 per month

Floor area





Immediately indefinitely



(Private) landlord

Register municipality


Location of this room

  • Lodewijk van Deysselstraat
  • Amsterdam

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